Monday, January 29, 2007

One Word: Termites

The house.....NO GOOD!!
We had the inspection done yesterday, and there were several things wrong. At first just several little things, but then ------- an entire master bedroom wall that literally crumbled beneath our fingers. TERMITES!! Big Time! So, buh-bye house on Grinnell. We shall continue with our search. But at least we know where we want to be, and that we want to find a house.
This is just about the time doubt starts to settel in and I have to yell, "Get out doubt! I don't want you here!" You may think that is figurative speech, but you would be wrong. I seriuosly just yelled it out loud, but not too loud because Wes is napping.
It's also a humbling moment for me. My husband is a wise, careful, thoughtful man and I should listen to him a lot better than I usually do.
He never said, "I told you so." Although he very well could have. He didn't trust the sellers of that house from the beginning. But, I was ever optimistic and regretably naive. And all he said was, "You needed to find out for yourself." Why didn't I just listen to him in the first place? I'll tell you why. Pride. That's why. How fun it is to learn your daily lesson.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Here's the Picture

A Week Later

And so it begins. It took me a week to figure out how to even get back on here.
This week has been an emotional roller coaster to say the least. We found a house that we are hoping to make into a home! It's an inspired venture.
Thanks to my good friend, Farrah, here's a picture of the house.
It's also thanks to Farrah that we are so excited to have a chance to work on this house!
For some reason it was in the back of my mind that after you get married you eventually out grow friends, but we have been blessed with an abundance of very good friends who help shape us as people and as a family. Needless to say, that idea no longer pollutes the back woods of my mind. Friends are the best! Friends within the family and those who somehow become your family.
And for the next week or so, I imagine the themes of these blogs will very much be related to "the house". We feel blessed in this decision, and are hoping that things will go smoothly. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in the house, but we can do it! With help.
I was able to go to the temple this past Thursday night (I don't normally share these kinds of things), and I was waiting in the chapel for a session to begin. Of course, "the house" was on my mind, and when I opened the scriptures my eyes fell upon these words found in D&C 95:11-13
"Verily I say unto you, it is my will that you should build a house. If you keep my commandments you shall have power to build it. If you keep not my commandments, the love of the Father shall not continue with you, therefore you shall walk in darkness. Now here is wisdom, and the mind of the Lord - let the house be built,..."
I can't very well argue with that.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Inspired by the blogs of friends and the little delight I feel just by saying the word "blog" in my head; I begin to blog!
I hope this will become the family journal that I can't seem to write down on paper. A few quick jots, thoughts, and notes of the day. And hopefully, when I figure this out, pictures too!
A lot of stuff happens within our little family, hence the blog title "PhillipsStuff". Wish me luck, and the sense to know what the heck to write.
Until tomorrow?...........