Sunday, March 3, 2013

4 years later and I remembered the password!

Well hello there!
I got a wild hair and thought to myself, "Hey, I used to have blog. Wonder if I still do?"
After several failed attempts to sign in to my blog account, because emails have changed, passwords have been forgotten, and life in general is happening all around at light speed; I finally got it right!
I wonder what will happen next. I mean in the past four years we've managed to add 2 big boys to our family and a baby! Mark has started pursuing interventional radiology, I've gone back to school (again), Travis and Cody are both serving missions, Emma has just over a year left of elementary school, Wes is crushing the 1st grade, and baby Jake is stealing hearts the world over (I can say that because Travis is all the way over in Belgium). We have amazing friends and family and live in the best ward ever! Our love for the gospel of Jesus Christ increases daily and we are so blessed to see His hand in our lives all the time. It's a good day to be a Phillips :)