Monday, October 29, 2007

Why do I blog so little?

Why, oh why, did I post just 3 words last?
Maybe because the time was past,
Maybe because I felt too ill,
Or perhaps I had yet to finish my meal.
The reason could be that blogging felt "old".
But you want the truth so it must be told.
I wrote those three words and the bed had been laid,
So the love I professed had to be "made"!!


Clinesville said...

um...I don't even know how to respond to that.

Tonia said...

What? You don't like poetry?

Amber said...

So beautiful...I almost cried. I must be in an emotional mood. I almost got tearful at Farrah's slideshow too!

Unknown said...

I can't stop laughing. But more so, I can't believe you took a break to blog.

Clinesville said...

A break from what? What are you girls leaving me out of?

Tonia said...

I'm pretty sure she meant a break from all the lovin'!!

Unknown said...

We need a new post!

Clinesville said...

Are you going to do another I love Mark post-because of your HOT date?

Unknown said...

I would take any post at this point, even another I LOVE marky warky post.

Clinesville said...

No, don't do a I love mark post. Do something that's all about you...I don't think we've had an all about Tonia post.

Amber said...

Tonia, Come on...Where's a new post...? I miss Tonia!